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Title: unCoVer – Unravelling Data for Rapid Evidence-Based Response to COVID-19

Funding/Source: € 2.99M / EU

Objective: unCoVer is a functional network of partners capable of harvesting real-world data derived from the response and provision of care to patients by the health systems across Europe, and internationally during the COVID-19 pandemic. The network includes national health agencies, experts from complementary scientific fields, and first-line hospitals dealing with COVID-19. The network aims to facilitate access to otherwise scattered datasets providing opportunities for risk characterization and prediction modelling using pooled data. unCoVer will bring efforts together, bridging clinical expertise and data analytics to address knowledge gaps, unify current initiatives and create downstream exploitation opportunities for research and public health strategies to minimize future impacts of SARS-CoV-2. The objectives of unCoVer are:

1) To bring together
European and international expertise and data to synchronize research efforts in addressing the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.
2) To continuously monitor, identify, and
facilitate the access and use of COVID-19-related RWD to fully exploit the strength of the data being accumulated routinely as as a reflection on common medical practices.
3) To
identify data gaps, and underrepresented populations and proactively seek synergies with complementary existing and planned clinical databases related to COVID-19.
4) To
provide a platform for the use of dissimilar data sources capable of streamlining ethical and legal aspects, and anticipating the needs for data harmonization by innovative computational resources and integrated information for enhanced impact.
5) To bring together expertise on the use of
advanced computational, epidemiological and biostatistical methods to handle heterogeneous, and multi-layered information in order to facilitate rapid queries and robust findings related to SARS-CoV-2 infection, underlying drivers of COVID-19 prognosis, the safety and effectiveness of treatments, and sequelae, as well as the impact of COVID-19 in health system resources.
6) To broadcast the use and results of the platform to attract new partners and to pursue
complementarity with existing similar networks in Europe and internationally to save lives and optimize resources.

Our role: WP Leaders

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